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Lakeridge Association

board meeting documents

Board Meeting Procedures

  1. Board meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. See Event Calendar:
  2. Board meetings are held virtually via Zoom until further notice. See Event Calendar for link
  3. Board meeting agendas are posted 7 days before the scheduled meeting.
  4. Board meeting minutes are available for review once approved.
  5. General members may observe board meetings (executive sessions are closed).
  6. General members may speak at board meetings during the Public Open Forum.


 Agenda  Meeting Minutes
2025-01-14 BOD Agenda
2025-01-14 BOD Meeting Minutes Pending Approval
2025-01-28 BOD Agenda  2025-01-28 BOD Meeting Minutes Pending Approval
 2025-02-11 BOD Meeting Agenda 2025-02-11 BOD Meeting Minutes Pending Approval
 2025-03-11 Annual BOD Meeting Agenda 2025-03-11 Annual BOD Meeting Minutes Pending Approval

2025- 04-08 BOD Agenda

2025-05-06 BOD Agenda  
2025-06-10 BOD Agenda  
2025-07-08 BOD Agenda
2025-08-12 BOD Agenda 
 -2nd Tuesday of the month .... 

***For 2020 and early years documentation please submit inquires to 

Lakeridge Association

Lakeridge Association is a volunteer membership based not for profit social and recreational club with an annual fee open to households within the re-subdivision of Wolcott Lake.

4588 W. Lakeridge Rd.

Click here to get directions


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