Lakeridge Association Mission United in Creating a Better Community. To provide Members recreational facilities for the promotion of their enjoyment, happiness, and health. Who are your 2025-26 Lakeridge Association Board of Directors? President - Josh Perrin (lakeridgepres@gmail.com) director term ends 2026 Vice President - Jitendra Yadav (lakeridgevp@gmail.com) director term ends 2028 Secretary - Eric Martinson (lakeridgesec@gmail.com) director term ends 2027 |
The affairs and management of the Lakeridge Association are under the control of the Board of Directors (BOD). The BOD shall be composed of not less than three (3) nor more than seven (7) directors. The terms of office of directors shall be for three years each, provided that the directorship terms are staggered, with two directors to be elected in each of two years and three directors to be elected in the third year. The BOD positions are determined at the Annual BOD meeting following the Annual Membership Meeting in March. Do you spend time thinking about the needs of our community? Many things will probably come to mind. Choosing to serve as a director on the board, you will become an integral part of strategizing how to solve problems and establish policies and procedures within our unique Lakeridge community. As a board director, you get the opportunity to be a representative of our diverse community. It’s also an opportunity to serve in a leadership position in an organization that represents the neighborhood you live in. Board directors are responsible for overseeing the business affairs and governing of Lakeridge Association. The personal qualities of a board member are critical to the success of our Association. Integrity, competence, insight, dedication, and effectiveness are just a few of the vital attributes necessary |
Key qualities of a good board member can be summarized as: Passion – a deep interest in the mission of Lakeridge Association. Vision and Leadership — the ability to see the big picture and the courage to set direction to achieve the Lakeridge Association’s mission. Stewardship — the integrity to serve the interests and pursue the goals of Lakeridge Association, as well as the interests of our Members. Knowledge — knowledge of your constituents, Members, operations, and organizational structure. Diligence — dedication and commitment to fulfilling Lakeridge Associations’ organization’s mission and goals. United in Creating a Better Community. The purpose of the Lakeridge Association is to provide Members recreational facilities for the promotion of their enjoyment, happiness, and health. Collegiality — possessing a sincere and respectful attitude toward fellow members and their views. Discretion — maintain the confidentiality of board discussions and speak with one united voice when representing the Board of directors to the membership community. |
To be an effective board member:
Bring your personal interests and expertise to the organization, but bear in mind your primary obligation of stewardship is to the greater community as a whole.
Come to meetings on time, be attentive, and be well-prepared.
Respect disagreement without personalizing the debate, and avoid paralysis in the face of dissent.
Ask questions rather than accepting the status quo.
Welcome information and advice, but reserve the right to make decisions based on your own best judgment.
Support board decisions as well as committee members that you have appointed to serve for Lakeridge Association.
How to become a Board Member for Lakeridge Association:
Be a member in good standing with a deep interest in the mission of our organization.
Have the skills, interest, and time to devote to overseeing the business affairs and governing practices of our organization.
Have the skills to communicate via email, knowledge of Word, Google documents, Excel, and other electronic forms of communication.
Assist in organization and data management of membership software program: Wild Apricot (Personify)
Attend routine scheduled Board meetings
Potential members interested in joining the Board should send an inquiry to our general inbox email: lakeridgedenver@gmail.com or feel free to reach out to a current Board member for further details. Lakeridge Association Board meetings are held monthly. They are held virtually via Zoom. The Zoom invitations are on the Event Calendar. Board Meeting Procedures